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The IT industry is at its peak time now. As we are growing, technology is growing and software development is becoming more convenient. The tools that are introduced to enhance the software development cycle are actually making developers’ job easy and helps contribute to making it a good piece of software. One such tool is VCS its basically a software developer’s tool to contribute, test the code, and more which is why we bring you the best 5 VCS for your projects!

In today’s article, we are going to check out what VCS is, the benefits of VCS, and the 5 best VCS that you as a developer can try. Without much stressing on tasks, let’s begin.

What is VCS?

Suppose you are having billing data, where each month the saving and expenses are updated. There are 12 months and a lot of years to manage those. Updating this way each time, each month, manually, and that too for several years may cause too much confusion. Let’s say you realize that you have paid the bill for a month before its due date but the data does not show it. Since you failed to update the exact date and time or a specific comment on it, this will cause much confusion on the overall data of your billing.

Similar to the above scenario, developers write the code, test it and make multiple changes many times, many many times. In such cases, saving a local copy and making manual changes isn’t always a convenient option since a project may incorporate thousands of lines of code. VCS which is short for Version Control System is a software system. It helps you manage the files, update, sync, comment on the changes that were done, and so much more.

Benefits of VCS

Now that we have an idea of what is Version Control System, let’s check the benefits of having a VCS

1- You track the history of your files.
2- Roll back the changes that were made.
3- Merge the working changes into a main file to extend the feature.
4- Makes it easy for many teams to work on a particular project.

Best 5 VCS

1) Github

Git is probably the most famous name when it comes to Version Control Systems. Git is brought by Linus Torvalds the same guy who created Linux. Sounds very awesome, indeed. Written widely in the C programming language Git is launched in 1st quarter of 2005. Git is holding a major market share in the Version Control system category and its 89.16%. A dominating platform that is more flexible and easy to manage. Some of the top projects in Git Hub are as follows Linux Kernel, TensorFlow, Angular, VS Code, React, Django, and Node.js. You can sign up for Git from here to begin using it.

2) Microsoft Azure DevOps Server

The second version control lots of IT companies are preferring is Microsoft Azure DevOps server (MADS). Microsoft developed this VCS and its initial release was in 2005 the same year as the Git did. The market share of MADS is somewhere in 8 to 8.50% which makes it the second best alternative to the dominator Git. Top projects in Microsoft Azure DevOps Server include Windows Desktop Applications, Web Applications, Mobile App, and Cloud Application development. To start using it, follow the link here.

3) Apache Subversion

This Centralized VCS is older than Git! Apache Subversion is developed by various devs CollabNet, Apache Software, Introversion Software, and the FLOSS community. This Versions control system is written in C language, and released in 2000. Though it’s older than Git, it failed to gain popularity. The reasons could be due to the centralized nature of repository storage. Sadly this one has a market share of 0.1 to 0.50% of all VCS shares, and it’s mostly considered when the requirement of the project demands it. You can opt out of the subversion from here.

4) GNU Bazaar

GNU Bazaar also known as bzr is another VCS which initially released in 2005. Developed by Canonical, Free Software Foundation this versioning system is built using languages like Python and C. Bazaar is among the least market share provider in VCS. While its user base is minimal, the top projects are mostly personalized or small-case projects done by open-source companies or individuals. To use GNU Bazaar, try the link here.

5) Darcs

Darcs is the last VCS on our list. It is a distributed type of versioning system developed by David Roundy. David is a physicist and programmer in the United States and developed Darcs in 2003. This VCS provider wrote Darcs in Haskell programming language. Similar to GNU Bazaar Darcs has a limited user base and is the least famous in the version control system market. Generally, these low-use VCS are mostly a matter of choice or used in project requirements since most of them prefer Git. You may use Darcs through the link here.


The developers’ community heavily relies on VCS because of the fact that the version control system helps them to work more clearly and to the project fulfillment. There are types of VCS such as local, centralized, and decentralized, and which one to use depends upon the project requirement. VCS is indeed a great tool to take software development to perfection. This concludes about the best 5 VCS for your projects. Which VCS does your team use? Do let us know in the comments section below. If you need any help or have any suggestions to make, then do reach us via the contact page here. Happy National Egg Day!

Picture of Pranav Chaudhari
Pranav Chaudhari
I am a passionate tech enthusiast, focused on simplifying complex technology for everyone. With a background in computer science and a love for operations and development, I share insights on server management, web hosting, cutting-edge tech tools, scripting, automation, and more.

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