All about Gitkon 2022 event!

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Events have become the new norm for IT companies to demonstrate their product line up, future goals, new product launch etc. Elon’s lets goto mars to Apples new device launch, those are all how they reveal the idea to people via events. Likewise, TechDecipher thought to bring all about Gitkon 2022 event to you.

In todays post we are going to check what is Gitkon event, who is providing it and how it might shape the future of software industry. By leveling up our skills, lets dive in.

About Gitkraken

Lets get bit of exposure to who is providing this event. Gitkraken (formerly known as Axosoft) is a company that has been in business to make software developer’s life easier. They have a service which is present  in the form of an IDE / software that promises to make the source code’s changes much more tracked. Gitkraken is a software company found by Hamid Shojaee in year 2000. Back then it was Axosoft, recently they changed the name to Gitkraken.

Gitkraken company has been named after its successful Github client app, Gitkraken. This app is a an app client of Github. Now Github as you may know is a popular version control. A version control is a software platform where the source codes of a project are handled, tracked and well managed. Most of the software companies adapts to any version control (one of the popular is Github) so they know how the progress of project is going and easy to manage code contribution. Lest check all about Gitkon 2022 event.

About Gitkon event

Gitkon is a software community conference where software developers unit and talk about ideas that can change software industry. This event is 3 day conference where each speaker would get 15 minutes  to discuss respective ideas. If you were to be speaker in this event you would want to fill up the speaker submission which was until July 2022 this year, new submissions will begin next year. This event first aired in 2021 in the month of September, this year it aired on October 11-13. We will be covering about the first entries from each days of the event and you could catch entire event in the YouTube link respectively.

Day 1

Drupal founder – Dries Buytaert

We got to hear speaking  none other than founder of Drupal. Dries add, he developed Drupal in his hostel room back in 2001. He added he was surprised when 30 peoples visited the conference about Drupal back in 2005. Dries did not talk much, about what he was developing with their friends and mostly worked in weekends. He mentions that the website was having huge traffic that it almost crashed, as the server couldn’t hold of it. Dries asks for a donation of 4k dollars and got double of it within 24 hours of time. The bank almost suspended the account by seeing this unusual doubtful donation amount, he revealed the funny incident in the initial times of Drupal.

Brands like  Mtv and others switched to Drupal and the time came when US government switched to Drupal too. This was how Drupal got into White house and Dries was pretty nervous handling that big project and did it anyway with full success. Imagine a government’s website hires open source project, it does sound like it is unsafe but Drupal’s at core was unbreakable. Dries after sharing all the journey comes down to the lessons he learned and wants to share to this generation, they are as below.

  1. Overnight success takes at least 10 years.
  2. Entrepreneurship is 80% sales and marketing.
  3. Your team matters more than your idea.

 This was about the first speaker at the event Day-1 , you can catch all the speaker on YouTube link here.

Day 2

Sr. Project Manager at Atlassian – Andrew Pankevicius

Day 2 begun with senior manager Andrew for Jira DevOps at Atlassian. The speech topic was about how one can mange team of 1 person to 100. Andrew added wide amount of software is assembled and not built from scratch which is a genuine fact though, this approach can be risky. Using modern day tools to solve a job is best way to be productive and stay ahead in the game. He shared that todays tool can be integrated with one another to maximize the production and enhance problem solving skills eg- Jira integration. During one of the points he mentions transparency over project rollout and rollback is must. This would help clear things with the end user either which is key subject. This was about the first speaker at the event Day-2 , you may catch all the speaker on YouTube link here.

Day 3

CTO & Co-Founder of Secure Code Warrior – Matias Madou

The very first speaker of Day 3 was a Co-Founder of Secure Code Warrior. Matias added in his speech about code security. Most of the developers would agree to the fact that at some point of time they have written insecure code due to deadline to ship the project. This coding behavior or act could maximize the code insecurity for which Matias has suggested how it can be improved. He suggest how act of writing code and making use of pre-approved pieces of code would be a great combination against code insecurity. He advised, building awareness programs and make a protocol out of it in an organization or within the team would also help things better up. A safe code would only help making the system more robust and secure than the vulnerable one. You can listen out to all other speakers of the day 3 event here.


The Gitkon event is a place for all big names in software industry, where they come up and share their thoughts about how things can optimize. Attending or taking part in such events is a good opportunity to understand what are current challenges in the software field. This concludes all about Gitkon event 2022. We will cover the next event in 2023, did you guys watch Gitkon too? if so do let us know in the comment below. If you have any suggestions to make do shoot an email to the form here. Have a great times ahead!

Picture of Pranav Chaudhari
Pranav Chaudhari
I am a tech enthusiast who began a career in the hosting field. I like to help folks with their tech-related concerns and bring the best of it.

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