All you need to know about EU on Type C

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Over the course of decade, we have witnessed many USB connectors on our PC and mobiles. USB Type C is  a new successor of USB type A and B. USB Type C was launched with intend to replace ports in majority of devices. Recently EU country members seem to give the intent a go!

In today’s post we are going to take look on what is USB type C, big update from EU member countries, pros of Type C and how it is a best connector available in market. Without a further due lets dive in to the journey.

What is USB Type C connector?

USB type C is  a connector or port often present on electronic devices such as computers and mobiles. USB Implementors Forum (USB-IF) a well-formed organization introduced Type C connector back in 2014. Type C connector works in USB versions starting from 2.0 to latest USB4.

To be clear, Type C cable is a Type C head  that is set on Type C port which is present on devices such as smartphones and new laptops.

The purpose of USB Type C includes charging devices such as smartphones, laptops and connecting as medium to transfer data between them. Type C connector has become more popular over the  years due its core advantage and plug play characteristics.

The connector is set to supposedly replace other connectors, well the intention was same upon its market  release first time. Recently a major update revealed for type C cable and connectors which might change many things and set a new standard among all other ports and cables.

EU countries on Type-C

A big update arrived from EU about making Type -C connector a must on mobile devices. Yeah you heard that right 27 countries under European Union have signed a pact about it. This means that market of countries that resides on European Union will have mobile devices shipped with USB Type C connectors.

The deal is set to implement by 2024 which will bring ease to many things. Keeping power as an exception, the more electronic devices will have type C connectors, that more convenient the charges will be to purchase. If a charger provides variety of power fluctuations with respect to electronic devices, you need not to purchase chargers alone.

Aside from all other benefits it will save tons of electronic waste that has been going on for a while. In 2021 alone total 57.4 Million tons of e-waste was generated globally. The step taken by EU is somewhat a considerate step towards fighting e-waste.

Portable devices are the target of this deal, OEMs will no longer be able to withdraw Type C connector even if it is a budget device. The intention is clear that this would not stop on smartphone devices only, obviously there are assumptions that in future it may cover majority of devices.

We have checked what is going in EU market. Lets check why exactly the USB Type C is better than micro USB our older phones have had and other connectors.

Why Type C is better?

The first thing that is best in Type C is its safe to use approach. The oblong-shaped connector looks decent and easily identified by its shape. We have all been there where we distorted our other connectors just because it was rough in design and it needed to be in right direction to insert. Well Type C is a reversible connector so you can plug it without stressing which direction the connector was on.

The increased speed rate is an added benefit of Type C. Since Type C is friendly in design and have relatively good speed of transmission this connector has high chances of sustaining in market for longer time.

USB Type C connector consumes less size than any other connectors present in market. This means that the size of device is expected to reduce up to an extent. Laptop manufactures provide at least one type c port connector.  If type C connector becomes more common then overall size is going to be surely lesser.

As per latest version of Type C rev 2.1 it claims to deliver 240 W DC. This power delivery capacity means, power barriers can be averted. Manufacturers can make type C ports as primary ports among high end PC machines.


We have reviewed about type C connectors, market is positive about this connector. The imitative EU took over making USB type C a mandatory is a remarkable step taken by member countries. If such deals were made for other countries such as America or India, that would be an interesting move.

This concludes all about type C,  it does have a potential to replace ports on almost all devices. If you have any thoughts do comments below and if you have any suggestions to share, you can submit it here. Great good bye!

Picture of Pranav Chaudhari
Pranav Chaudhari
I am a tech enthusiast who began a career in the hosting field. I like to help folks with their tech-related concerns and bring the best of it.

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